I wanted to let you all know that my friend Alley Valkyrie is hosting her really profound course on Land again.
Alley has always been obsessed with land relations, land use, and the ways that varying cultural conceptions of land and massive historical shifts (capitalism, colonialism, and displacement) have all created the current situation we are in now.
When I first met her, now a decade ago, she had a surveyor’s tape measure in hand and was arguing with some police in Eugene, Oregon. She knew public land use law better than they did, and successfully scared them away from unjustly citing two street vendors.
Also, her research on European land history is epic — she could write several books on the matter just from what’s in her head.
Her course starts 1 November, and it’s really a great opportunity for anyone who’s curious about how it came to be that we don’t even understand the ground beneath our feet. More so, it’s extremely relevant to the larger political forces involved in land struggles such as what’s happening in Palestine.
I really highly recommend her course, and enrollment is sliding scale. More information can be found here.