I have a new video journal for you, filmed on a very foggy and misty day, in which I discuss something I’ve completely avoided talking about until now—the Covid vaccines.
In truth, I don’t talk much about the vaccines, but rather the really intense panicked reactions on all sides of what should really be a simple question of human bodily autonomy.
For those worried that I suggest people shouldn’t get vaccines, you’ll see that’s not the case (I just got it). For those worried I think people should get them, you’ll also see that is not the case.
People are all too willing to lose their minds over these questions, spurred on by media (social or otherwise), a fanatical kind of neo-tribalism that is much more like opposing groups of football fans rather than any sort of rational discourse.
Apologies for the shaky camera work at the beginning. As I mention, it was quite cold but beautiful enough to want to stay outside for quite some time.
Paid subscribers—who are crucial to my continued work, thank you!—can watch the video below, and free subscribers will get access in about six weeks. The archive of all publicly-released druid journal videos is here. Or you can view the entire public playlist on YouTube here.