I’ve just published another in my Druid Journal video series. It was the first really sunny day of the year and I’m in a t-shirt (too early for this sort of weather here, but it was nevertheless fantastic), standing on a hill overlooking my little village.
I briefly tell the story of how I started making these videos, which is actually the story of how I moved to this village in the first place.
To those new to these, this series has been going on now for almost two years. Sometimes they’re about politics or history or theory, sometimes filmed from ancient pagan sites or particularly stunning landscapes, and sometimes they’re just me standing on a hill or sitting in a tree talking about whatever’s come to mind. This is one of those latter sorts.
My druid journals are available first to paid supporters of From The Forests of Arduinna, though I eventually make them open to the public after a time. A list of those public videos can be found here.
Incidentally, Substack has announced they’ll soon be rolling out a video feature, which I hope to use instead of YouTube once it’s out of beta. I’ll also soon be creating audio podcasts again, a project that I’ve had to put off because of work on this manuscript.
Here’s the link to the video (free subscribers will see a paywall below this line). And thanks for watching!