You might already know this, but last year I published a book called Being Pagan. Of everything I’ve ever written, it’s absolutely my favorite work.
Also, I instruct a course based off the book. It’s a 9-week course with weekly video lectures and discussions, as well as two optional group video chats. And it’s also one of my favorite things to do, because the discussions in each course I’ve taught on it (four so far) have been really amazing.
I’m teaching it again next month. It starts 18 September, and will last until mid-November. And I’d love for you to join me!
Here’s one of the videos I made for the last course (I make new video lectures each time, or as often as possible). These lectures are usually 15-20 minutes long, and often from really cool places. This is from the seventh week, on the chapter from Being Pagan called “The Other.” I’m talking from the ruins of an ancient Roman temple in Split, Croatia…
If you’d like to join the course, there’s still plenty of space. Enrollment is sliding scale (choose the level you feel most able to afford), and also, if you are one of the 15 or so “founding” supporters of From The Forests of Arduinna (those that subscribed at $90 or more as an extra way to support my writing), the course is free for you.
Here’s the enrollment link for the course:
And if you are a founding supporter and want to take this course, just reply to any email post from me to let me know you’d like to join.
And if you’re not yet a paid subscriber here, or if you want to upgrade your monthly or yearly subscription to a founding subscription in order to take the course as part of it, you can do that as well (please remember to email me so I can add you to the enrollment list!):
Hope to see you there!
I watched lecture 7 and it put me into a mental riff on the body and the temple from my Christian and Pentecostalish experience, with me thinking/feeling through what those are for me. For me the Holy Spirit is visceral rising from the depths of my body. I experience my body as the temple of the Holy Spirit and in that temple meet God anywhere face to face and inside myself - both are simultaneous, though a withdrawal into a more private space can at times facilitate that meeting and at other times a group setting is facilitatory where a temporary group temple is constructed. I am an earthen vessel, a fragile body containing, covered and with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us. 2 Corinthians 4:6-7. Thank you for being the spark that crystallized and clarified what I knew already.
Thank you Rhyd, and congratulations on your marraige! What a grand place you shared, I didn't know (but could have figured it out I suppose) that the people who built that (peoples, I guess, long build time) were not doing it for Christianity; it has usurped so many (almost all?) of the symbols and traditions of previous peoples, and only the birds know what happened really. It feels so good to see the ruins with the right eyes. Best from OR