Feb 1, 2023Liked by Rhyd Wildermuth


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What a journey!

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Rhyd Wildermuth

Beautiful. Blessed imbolc to you, from one who has also been Brigid-led (and, in my case, slow to learn!)

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And to you. :)

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

It seems to me that the Triune God of the Old and New Testament contains the complexities, love, terror, simplicity, opposites, closeness,horror, safety, distance, peace, joy, fear, tenderness, judgment, forgiveness, friendship, death, fertility, water, air, fire, and earth that is spread through the deities of a pagan pantheon. A kaleidoscope, a one stop shop.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Rhyd Wildermuth

Okay, question: Why do you read a very passionate Pagan's news letter all the time, only to bring it back to Christianity all the time?

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Jeff's a lot nicer than some of the other Christians who read me and then unsubscribe with really mean notes whenever I make any reference to being gay.

So I'm happy to hear about his god, since it's obviously not the same as theirs. :)

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Lol okay I can accept that :)

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Yeah, It says to love your neighbor so I am to be friendly with everyone including myself. It even says to love and bless your enemies! Not that anyone here is an enemy, to be clear!

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You might like the first part of my "God is Dead, Long Live the Gods: A Case for Polytheism" where I demonstrate from sources claiming to be Christian and other monotheistic traditions that they worship remarkably different deities.

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God as described in the Bible is a wild, crazy ride, and you can pick what you like and come up with a diverse set of Beings. It seems to me all the classic polytheisms were also wild, crazy rides.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023Liked by Rhyd Wildermuth

Just talking up my god, part of the diversity of life and discussion thereof. I am content with being labeled a henotheist in the polytheistic world.

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see my reply to sistersmith, above. :)

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Happy Imbolc. We spent the day here in the borderlands of Shropshire in the UK eating a meal with friends and making offerings at a local neglected spring. Snowdrops are emerging from the cold earth and a tiny robin flew in to join us in song. I love the way you tell the story of your ongoing dance with Brigid. I have had similar experiences with the other crowd but I have been fortunate enough to have grown up around people who had a wider view of the universe than the mainstream, capitalist, consumer, machine culture. The context in which we grow into adult is so influential, but the gods are generous and we all get offered hints and signs. It is up to each of us to decide what signs we take seriously and act upon.

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What a beautiful journey you've described.

I was devoted to Brigid many years ago, and have been slowly but surely making my way back to her, after laboring under some mistaken assumptions (primarily, that I had to choose! I had a monotheism hangover, I suppose. Her throwing another log on the hearth and laughing -- that certainly resonates). This will be the first Imbolc in a while that I've properly observed.

Hope yours has been blessed.

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Utterly love your story. It's lovely to hear your voice in my ear in the telling of it.

Brigid and I have a longstanding relationship that deepens each time I call for her help. She laughs, and throws another log on the fire.

Miss you, friend.

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damn. thanks for sharing this. it's extraordinarily beautiful.

it's also got some eerie resonances with a short story i wrote, a couple years ago now. i won't make any shameless plugs for my work in your space, but if you're interested, you know where to find me :)

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Powerful and beautiful piece, Rhyd. Thank you for writing it.

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I found myself reading this and relating, communing, laughing, and loving. Imbolc has been a presence for me more so this year than years past. For some reason. Brigid is reaching out!

Anyway, I snickered because halfway though reading this I realized I was at an evangelical Christian college, in a waiting room at the Athletic Center, while my daughter is in her occupational therapy appointment. I’m at Gordon College. It feels like a special irony. Much love to you, and thank you, and blessed Imbolc.

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What a beautiful thing to read on a clear early Spring day in West Sussex as the back door is open and the birds and going about their urgent business. An end to the dark screens of Winter and the relentless tread of dark machinations in the world? Never. But the recognition of what one person can do and one person can be - someone who carries the light of Brigid wherever they go. Simple as that.

Thanks for sharing.

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Totally incredible article

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