It seems that in social media the emperor is perpetually dying. And the “power” that is passed on is just a slow fading echo.

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Reminds me of Jeff Tweedy’s song Hummingbird… “his goal in life is to be an echo”.

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As Shakespeare said “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”

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The sooner people realize Benjamin’s point and move on from social media addiction/coercion the sooner we can truly embrace collective and individual mental sovereignty. The other aspect less discussed is how collective trauma plays into the current narrative control efforts. As our nervous systems seek solace and safety we are constantly seeking for answers and sadly the ones provided are largely carefully constructed by the materialist profit based emperors.

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"What interests me most, though, is how especially the accusation of “fascist” never seems to have any actual basis in political formation any longer. " I suppose this might seem true if one's focus is exclusively on the online "left"'s circular firing squad and in Europe but over here in the Imperial Core, such as Texas and Florida and Kentucky etc, Republican politicians exist. Fox News and Tucker Carlson exist. Trump and Newsmax etc exist. :-(

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The antifascist movement in the US has convinced itself it is under seige and developed an entirely reactionary stance. Like an army that abandons the campaign to focus on traitors within it. They will never catch all of the actual spys and traitors and will also be overwhelmed by any other force which continues to organize and provide a vision of victory. But then, that's the problem isn't? The left has no goal to strive towards and so is merely trying to hold ground. Capitalist liberalism is the compromise position between anarchists, communists, and liberals none of whom can inspire any great number of people to be bothered to lift a finger to them anymore. Most people see the writing on the wall. The horsemen of the apocalypse are loose and we don't have the oil, soil, phosphorus, or any number of other resources to bind them anymore. No one believes deep down that future generations will have a better life. Thus we see a fight between the believers in divine intervention and those desperately clinging to the status quo. And clinging to the status quo means playing whack-a-mole with anything with truly revolutionary potential. Horseshoe theory has become real, not because the left and right have bent towards eachother but because the world has moved on leaving the dead weight of the center/ status quo desperately trying to stop time and bring back either the 1990s or the 1950s depending on individual preferences. The alt right sees a possible future of race war over scarce resources while the left is utterly fragmented with a bare handful of thinkers calling for anything but a kinder, gentler status quo. (I know many will take offense to that and claim that they are anarchist, socialist, etc but how many are on the ground taking any steps to move forward beyond the status quo? A few permaculture types? A couple of groups that flirt with direct action on the environment? Compare the modern left to say the Russian Nihilists- we're not even at the level of "life sucks, shoot a politican".)

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You'd think that communities that have been persecuted by witch burnings and satanic panics would be more thoughtful about perpetrating the same on their own members...

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