Anyone who believes in tidy ideological solutions to messy social problems like crime and homelessness should read this article. Boudin's policies were a disaster. The current regime of incarceration is also a disaster. If we are going to decriminalize theft, then we also have to change the social/economic system that motivates theft to …
Anyone who believes in tidy ideological solutions to messy social problems like crime and homelessness should read this article. Boudin's policies were a disaster. The current regime of incarceration is also a disaster. If we are going to decriminalize theft, then we also have to change the social/economic system that motivates theft to begin with. Theft is a symptom. Normal policing and incarceration suppresses the symptom. Boudin's policies leave the symptom untreated. But neither one addresses the cause.
Anyone who believes in tidy ideological solutions to messy social problems like crime and homelessness should read this article. Boudin's policies were a disaster. The current regime of incarceration is also a disaster. If we are going to decriminalize theft, then we also have to change the social/economic system that motivates theft to begin with. Theft is a symptom. Normal policing and incarceration suppresses the symptom. Boudin's policies leave the symptom untreated. But neither one addresses the cause.