Thanks for the update - war with Russia is a terrifying prospect. It's interesting to watch how the different parties seek to frame the narrative: Putin claims to be rooting out Nazism (somehow). Iran sees this as an opportunity to point out that the West has done worse things in western Asia. The Left in the US is using it as another opportunity to condemn Russia.

As an aside, I've noticed that Russia has made a comeback as a common fictional villain in the movies over the last 20 years. They were common villains during the Cold War, but then in the 90s seemed less so. Now they're back!

Thanks for the reminder to pursue human things! This situation certainly drives me to pray.

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And of course there are no good guys in this story. But this is what happens when you bbase your life on the Gospel of John Wayne. Might makes right and the "winners" write the narrative.

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Love is the only answer.

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I am far away in the middle of the USA, but I feel this in my bones. War has swept across Europe so many times - the land is drenched in blood and it remembers. When I lived in the Prealps of Valsassina I spent many, many hours tramping the high hills and forests. I lay belly down on the ground, I spoke to the trees, I left offerings. And I discovered that that land has little love for us humans. But I loved it anyway, and eventually, grudgingly, it opened up a little bit to me. Only a little. Take comfort in your trees, be with the land. Wishing you peace and safety.

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Lovely. Thank you for your words. Blessings from Maine, USA.

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The curse of the ancient Norse was the nidstang- a horse skull set on a pole to frighten away the land spirits of their enemies. Sometimes it seems like our whole culture is under the curse of the nidstang and most seem to revel in it. I guess hell really is an acquired taste. "Free" of the land and obligation to it, "free" of gods and our obligation to them, "free" of family and those obligations.

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Thank you for reminding us to connect with Earth.

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I do not talk much about my past in the Marine Corps (1977-1991), and when I do I usually just say that I was a grunt (infantry rifleman). But I was also a school trained Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC) Warfare Specialist. I knew my job well. I also knew the capabilities of Warsaw Pact forces and later, the capabilities of Iraq.

I left the Marines six years short of retirement, I finally saw what it was doing to me, and I could no longer be that person. I am also terrified of the near future.

I have distant family in Poland, a daughter-in-law from Kiel Germany and friends in Ukraine, including a young man who spent a school year with us down in Texas who is in Kiev.

Like you, I believe in the power of love. I also believe that in the end love will win, but the path is full of jagged stones, brambles and unloved beings. It may be more painful than we are willing to accept, but accept it we must.

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the "inoculate" expression isn't new.. it's how I've seen people express the effect of say, reading Manufacturing Consent to be inoculated from war mongering propaganda for decades including myself.. that really seemed like a stretch in an otherwise mostly based piece

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Yesterday morning my heart was heavy for Canada. Today it aches for you and the sea of anonymous humans this will affect in one way or another. So much hate in the name of tolerance going around these days. Indeed, terrified is an easy state to be.

I'll walk to the ocean later and leave an offering amongst the wild fennel as it rattles prayers of renewal from its withered winter bones and whispers calls for spring into the briny Pacific air. I'll pray for more remembering, and more being, of the ways in which we are all "that other sort of human."

May your forests' fealty to survival bring you comfort and calm today.

Sending love.

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