the point about envy is a good one. I think social media breeds and feeds off of ressentiment, just like capitalism has to convince you there is something wrong with you in order to sell you a product.
I've also noticed the Guardian and others have changed significantly and integrated a lot of this social media thinking. There are also ar…
the point about envy is a good one. I think social media breeds and feeds off of ressentiment, just like capitalism has to convince you there is something wrong with you in order to sell you a product.
I've also noticed the Guardian and others have changed significantly and integrated a lot of this social media thinking. There are also articles where they will quote twitter reactions about events in place of interviewing people...
the point about envy is a good one. I think social media breeds and feeds off of ressentiment, just like capitalism has to convince you there is something wrong with you in order to sell you a product.
I've also noticed the Guardian and others have changed significantly and integrated a lot of this social media thinking. There are also articles where they will quote twitter reactions about events in place of interviewing people...