deletedApr 17, 2022Liked by Rhyd Wildermuth
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I've already seen some AZOV propaganda referring to Putin as a 'real Jew,' whereas Zelensky is proving himself not be because he is standing for Ukrainians instead of Jews. I don't know if there has been much else yet.

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thanks for continuing to be a champion of the underdog narrative. this wholly resonates with me. The general behavior of everybody is fucked right now and so I look to my own house.

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Apr 16, 2022Liked by Rhyd Wildermuth

Thanks for this essay. We are seeing many rather useless myths come out of some frothy swamp of prejudices. The propaganda being churned out in the West only makes the frothy swamp all the more fertile.

First, as someone of Lithuanian descent, I am always amused at how stubbornly pagan they were. And still are? What is it with all of that bee lore?

The propaganda coming out of Ukraine is going to be counterproductive, yet Western media workers are lapping it up. Facebook is already full of Americans commenting on how the Azov and adjacent brigades just aren't all that bad.

LaStampa has already tried to pin a massacre in Ukraine on "Asiatic soldiers," the Mongols or the Huns under a different adjective.

And the outright racism welling up is, eerrrrrr, disconcerting. LaStampa regularly uses photos of distressed blond children in Ukraine. There has actually been in article on stranded babies from surrogate mothers--if you think that the West hasn't exploited Ukraine enough, read up on surrogate mothers as an industry there.

If there is such a thing as pornography (and that's another debate), using blond kids to appeal to people's racism so as to expand a war is pornography.

I'm so old I recall when Alan Kurdi washed up on the beach in the Aegean. Poor kid. Brown hair.

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I've seen the "asiatic soldiers" reference a lot, especially from the Ukrainians. It reminds me also of how the French and Americans both referred to the Germans in World War I as the Huns.

I heard reference to the surrogate mother (and other sex trafficking things) in Ukraine but need to find more information. Right now it's hard to find anything unrelated to the war.

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Apr 16, 2022Liked by Rhyd Wildermuth

Are you familiar with the Turkish siege of Vienna in 1683? It was the last gasp of their Islamic jihadism, after that the military capabilities of the Europeans began to surpass them and Turkey entered into a decline. Almost twenty years ago I taught English in Poland. The Poles still remembered with pride how the king of Poland broke the siege of Vienna by the largest cavalry charge in European history. 1529 also featured a Turkish siege of Vienna. A big chunk of the Balkans and Greece remembers being second class Christian citizens under Ottoman rule.

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I knew about one of those but not both. The Vienna motif has part of the Turkish event folded into it, especially I think for the Poles, an 'Eastern' enemy threatening good Christendom...

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Apr 17, 2022·edited Apr 17, 2022

Well, they were definitely a threat, systematically invading and taking over non-Turkish and non-Muslim lands, the way of history I guess, going back to the Aztecs, Incas, Romans, Greeks, Persians, Chinese, and on and on and on. I found out recently to my astonishment that the islands of Japan wasn’t always Japanese, a different culture and people lived there over 2000 years ago and were invaded and subjugated! And my British ancestors out did them all ruling a huge chunk of the earth.

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Apr 16, 2022·edited Apr 16, 2022Liked by Rhyd Wildermuth

And I was aware of the pagan nations that valiantly resisted Roman Catholic conquest in Eastern Europe. I am history geek. I wonder if anyone has studied how they did culture, economy, civilization, government, religion in contrast to the Catholic countries, what an European medieval pagan nation was like in action. Of course they may have absorbed some influences from the Catholicized lands.

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Apr 16, 2022Liked by Rhyd Wildermuth

there is an organization out of Vienna that is writing the script for Zel... it is, if you read between the lines, into the european purity thing.

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Apr 17, 2022Liked by Rhyd Wildermuth

I think this is it, they are major propaganda tool demonizing Russia and white washing the nazis of ukraine


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Apr 17, 2022Liked by Rhyd Wildermuth

You would think after the Taliban people would look a little more closely at freedom fighters battling Russians before giving them weapons. Buuut, nope. Of course the Ukrainians are white, so they couldn't possibly become crazy zealots like those Afghanis (that's sarcasm btw)

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