You hit the nail on the head with the term Spectacle, and it's two meanings. One thing about spectacle, is everything around it blurs. Matt nailed it again by pointing out that the US election battles are also spectacles. The US presidential election is a spectacle in which the natural world, or even reality, disappears. Anything that questions growth is barred from the display. And down we go.
You hit the nail on the head with the term Spectacle, and it's two meanings. One thing about spectacle, is everything around it blurs. Matt nailed it again by pointing out that the US election battles are also spectacles. The US presidential election is a spectacle in which the natural world, or even reality, disappears. Anything that questions growth is barred from the display. And down we go.
You hit the nail on the head with the term Spectacle, and it's two meanings. One thing about spectacle, is everything around it blurs. Matt nailed it again by pointing out that the US election battles are also spectacles. The US presidential election is a spectacle in which the natural world, or even reality, disappears. Anything that questions growth is barred from the display. And down we go.