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Reading this I was reminded of an essay I read a couple of years ago by L.M. Sacasas on Ivan Illich's "Guarding the Eye in the Age of Show", discussing Illich's "wish to rediscover the skills of an ocular askesis." theconvivialsociety.sub…
Not the same topic, but I think adjacent and complementary, in that both Sacasas/Illich and you are …
© 2025 Rhyd Wildermuth
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Reading this I was reminded of an essay I read a couple of years ago by L.M. Sacasas on Ivan Illich's "Guarding the Eye in the Age of Show", discussing Illich's "wish to rediscover the skills of an ocular askesis."
Not the same topic, but I think adjacent and complementary, in that both Sacasas/Illich and you are calling our attention to the fact that what we are shown is often not reality, and we need to do the hard work of learning to see correctly.