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I left a review on Goodreads! I am happy to do so in other places as well if there are more helpful sites. I want to thank you Rhyd, for your bravery.

I personally don’t think that change happens only in the obvious, physical, force-based way that we think it does. There are so many angels out there in the world, working at gas stations and airports, in fields growing food, tending to the elderly with no widespread recognition for the love they are spreading. I love the models of morphic resonance put forward by Rupert Sheldrake, among others, and have found this to be true in my own experience. Your book changed something, even beyond how many people literally read it. It changed something in our collective field, and you could say, provided an energetic roadmap for others to be brave and speak their compassionate truths in the face of so much censoring and hate. (A great example of this phenomenon of morphic resonance is in the discovery of the electron. Once one lab did it, many others were then able to, and not primarily because the first lab could give better instructions or something, it was best explained by the change to the morphic field).

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Speaking of formative morphic resonance what kind of such world-wide resonance does the existence of more than 800 US military bases create - and the presence of the US military in almost every country on the planet.

Each single base is in effect a psychic force-field. Collectively they create a very powerful death-saturated psychic force field. A very powerful example of the medium being the message - an anti-"culture" of death rules to here!

We now live in a quantum world wherein everyone is instantaneously inter-connected.

The negative exploitation and killing of human beings by human beings violates the heart of one and all. So too with the negative exploitation and killing of non-human beings by human beings.

Here in Australia we also contribute to this death-saturated force-field via the presence of a few electronic spy/transmission bases - Pine Gap and the North West cape being two of them.

The Americans have complete control of everything and every body that goes on in Pine Gap therefore trumping anything the Australian government may wish to protest against or change.

Speaking of Trump it could be said that William Blake prophesized his appearance in one line featured in his poem titled The Prophecy - the line starts thus The Trump of the last doom. Altogether the poem provides an accurate description of the now-time world.

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