Fair comment, that was hyperbolic language. But the word 'consumed' was the key word. It feels to me that the left has been eaten by something bad and dangerous. Not that everyone 'on the left' is like this - obviously they're not, or Rhyd would not be under attack himself. But the lunatics have taken over the asylum, and I do see 'the l…
Fair comment, that was hyperbolic language. But the word 'consumed' was the key word. It feels to me that the left has been eaten by something bad and dangerous. Not that everyone 'on the left' is like this - obviously they're not, or Rhyd would not be under attack himself. But the lunatics have taken over the asylum, and I do see 'the left' as a whole as a poison at this point. Personally I think this was always likely - because it happens throughout history. But it also happens to other politics tribes, and regularly to religions.
Fair comment, that was hyperbolic language. But the word 'consumed' was the key word. It feels to me that the left has been eaten by something bad and dangerous. Not that everyone 'on the left' is like this - obviously they're not, or Rhyd would not be under attack himself. But the lunatics have taken over the asylum, and I do see 'the left' as a whole as a poison at this point. Personally I think this was always likely - because it happens throughout history. But it also happens to other politics tribes, and regularly to religions.