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In June 1977, I stepped off a bus in downtown San Francisco with just a big back pack having traveled from the Midwest. I marveled at the clean air and beautiful clean city. The next week I travelled all over the city using the bus system feeling safe and stayed in safe affordable places downtown. No homeless that I remember, even the "bad" Tenderloin district was to my eyes innocuous. People were friendly and open. The peak of self reported happiness in a long continuing poll in the US was in 1956. Our country to me now feels like a staggering zombie with a semblance of life.

I have done a lot of volunteer stuff with the homeless and my spiritual fellowship is found here - https://www.facebook.com/thewarehousevisalia/ The leader and his wife have been involved with this for 15 years. He is from a vicious criminal past and years of prison experience, looks like a bald, bearded big bellied viking covered with tattoos. Says he does more funerals than baptisms. Positive change is slow and difficult and infrequent with lots of relapses. The dysfunction is mind boggling. But when change happens - wonderful. I have seen some great befores and afters. Fortunately the local city leadership and county leadership is helpful and members of the local elite are even involved https://www.saltandlightworks.org/ The homeless are a symptom of a sick, and yes dying culture. Your essay is spot on!

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