Speaking of demons, former meth addicts have told me they sense a demonic component to the drug. Our continued societal degeneration is a combo pack of social, personal, economic, family, physiological, spiritual, emotional, mental, environmental (nature itself is now diseased!) and yep, demonic factors.
Speaking of demons, former meth addicts have told me they sense a demonic component to the drug. Our continued societal degeneration is a combo pack of social, personal, economic, family, physiological, spiritual, emotional, mental, environmental (nature itself is now diseased!) and yep, demonic factors.
Speaking of demons, former meth addicts have told me they sense a demonic component to the drug. Our continued societal degeneration is a combo pack of social, personal, economic, family, physiological, spiritual, emotional, mental, environmental (nature itself is now diseased!) and yep, demonic factors.
To say nothing of chemical and pharmaceutical Jeff. ЁЯЩП
I met a former meth user who said something similar - that a door had opened for her forever that never should have been opened.