Hope you are well! I’ve a few brief announcements for you.
First of all, I’ll be in London again on the 4th of November for a presentation at London Radical Bookfair. That will be at Richard Hoggart building of Goldsmith’s University in London at 14:00.
Here’s the info for the presentation:
The left has been the province of dreamers, of fantasies, and especially of the “impossible.” More than this, the left has been the province of tricksters and rogues, those who pull back the curtain on the fantasies of this world, who reveal the magic tricks that keep capital and the powerful in place. It’s been the leftists who’ve shown this political and economic system, this “reality,” to have been born from other fantasies and other dreams. And if this world was dreamt up in conspiracy, then can we not dream up and conspire a better one?
In this presentation, we’ll look at the role of imagination and the imaginal in radical politics, the way our imagination is shaped and restrained by “capitalist realism,” and the abundance of really-existing other worlds which we too often ignore in our dreamings. We’ll also look at the matter of “larger reality” and how our failure to include it in our visions for a better world can turn our dreams into nightmares.
Secondly, if you’ve not yet had a chance to pick up my book, Repeater Books is having a Halloween sale. Direct purchases of Here Be Monsters from their website are 50% off until 1 November.
And third, if you want to pick up any of my other titles in digital format, the 40% sale at Ritona continues until 1 November.
And lastly, my discussion with Catherine Liu on The Re/al/ign is now unlocked for the public. You can watch it here or listen to it here.
Be well!
I preordered my copy of Here Be Monsters back in August--got it in time for my birthday and made some good progress reading aloud with my partner-- and then the little monster in my pfp tore out the back fifty pages of it in a fit of pique over being left home alone for thirty minutes last weekend. Sigh.
What I mean to say is, this Halloween sale is very convenient for me. Re-ordered, and I'll be back on the wagon to continue reading as soon as possible. (Still think you're going to make it to Portland/Seattle this winter?)
I’m a slow reader and I have almost burned up a whole highlighter but I’m on the werewolf chapter now and really enjoying it.