Hi, Rhyd, I will listen to the podcast when I can. I have read the book and JMG makes an excellent case for polytheism as against monotheism. The results on the subject are beyond final intellectual determination IMO. Henotheistically speaking I think the killer app of Christianity is through Jesus, having felt and personal access to the High God https://www.britannica.com/topic/High-God which could be how you would classify in pagan terms my experience of the Father. This is referred to repeatedly in the New Testament. An example “for through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father” Ephesians 2:18

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Whenever I listen to ppl on either side of the fence, they all sound like the same exact person. The mono, the poly, the ego.

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Listened to the podcast, good discussion, covered points I was going to possibly share. Thought your understanding of Christian eschatology was incomplete, I see it as a reset into a new heaven and a new earth, deeper, more complex than the beautiful world we have now, an upgrade. As I am sure you know polytheism historically wasn’t just people dancing in the woods with flowers in their hair, taboos, strictures, horrible sacrifices and practices were in the mix. Just like the Old Testament! I guess there has been some progress after all.

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JMG! I certainly don't believe every one of his ideas, but who else has so many and so fresh ones? And who else believes that the world will not end with a bang?

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Great episode, thank you. The analogy of many paths up many mountains particularly clicked for me in this one. Multiplicity seems to resolve so many of our (constructed) metaphysical and sociological "problems", really appreciate JMG for speaking to this so eloquently in the monotheist/polytheist realm...

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